Sweaty Summer

Hello again. I assume we have passed the stage where we forgot what day it was? Or are we still there? Do you know what day it is? Well it’s International Cat Day. I gave a shoutout to Fluffy on social media today. Mind you, Fluffy assumes everyday is International Cat Day and expects you…

Does Vegan Cheese Even Taste Good?!

Hello people of the internet. Happy Friday! How’s the heat treating you? Staying cool, trying to stay cool, counting down the days till fall (might be me…) or is the sweat dripping right off of you? Could you imagine your life without cheese (actual real cheese)? Would you find it hard? Could you stick with…

Cases, Coughing, Conferences

Hello everybody. Hello July and hello humidity, you can leave anytime or just lay off the humidity. I would assume once you read the first two words you thought about Covid-19. Now when we hear the words CASES we panic. When we hear or see someone COUGH we panic. When we are waiting for a…

It’s Not Easy Leaving

Oh hello there summer vacation, although it feels like summer vacation 2.0 as we had the pre summer vacation brought to you by Covid-19. Although it was like the summer vacation where you don’t actually go on vacation and you can’t leave your house and everything is closed. So I enjoy the second version better….

The Start Of A New Journey

Aloha amigos!! I believe change is good. I believe it helps us grow and not get too comfortable in a routine. With change comes anxiety and uncertainties. Change also might mean leaving areas with friends/family/coworkers. Change is needed in one persons life. I started to ponder my future last summer after I had a slight…